Investment fund armonizado
Nº Registro oficialFecha registro oficialFecha último folletoFecha último reglamentoReglamento de gestión
540913/09/201921/06/202413/09/2019 Abrirá un pdf en una ventana
Individual audit
YearAuditorAnnual financial reports
2023 PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores, S.L.
2022 Price Woterhouse Coopers Auditores S.L
2021 Price Waterhouse Coopers Auditores S.L
2020 Deloitte, S.L.
2019 Deloitte, S.L.
In the CNMV Audit Register (Article 13(n) of the CIS Regulation), in certain cases, the document is not made available to the public, in order to comply with data protection regulations. However, any interested party may expressly request access to this documentation from the CNMV through the channels provided.