En la contabilidad del Fondo no se ha dado de baja del activo ningún Derecho de Crédito por fallido, sin perjuicio de la correspondiente corrección de su valor por deterioro según la Norma 13ª de la Circular 2/2009, modificada por la Norma Primera de la Circular 4/2010. Tabla S.05_1D: Las hipótesis de morosidad, tasa de fallidos y recuperación de fallidos en el escenario inicial son las consideradas para la estimación de flujos de los bonos recogidas en el folleto de emisión. La cartera cedida en el momento inicial no tenía impago superior a 90 días. Tabla S.05_2 cuadro A campo [0004],Hipotesis Utilizadas para el cálculo de la Vida Media de los Bonos: TAA: 7,62% - Fallidos anual: 3% - Fallidos recuperación: 75% - Call: 0% Tabla S.05_2 cuadro B campo [9980], tipo de interés aplicado en la ultima fecha de determinación. Tabla S.05_5 cuadro C Distribución según el porcentaje del importe pendiente de amortizar de los préstamos sobre el valor de tasación de los inmuebles del que dispone la gestora. Solo se consideran préstamos con garantía hipotecaria. Tabla S.05_5 cuadro D Principales índices de referencia: EUR12: Rate published by the European Banking Federation for 1-year Euro deposit transactions. MIB12: Madrid Interbank Offered Rate for 1-year deposit transactions. EURH: Monthly EUR12 average published by the Bank of Spain, paragraph 19,1 of the statistical bulletin,Mortgage Market Official Reference Rates. MIBH: Monthly MIB12 average published by the Bank of Spain, paragraph 19,1 of the statistical bulletin, Mortgage Market Official Reference Rates. IRPHCE: Monthly average rate for mortgage loans over 3 years to purchase free housing from Banks, Cajas de Ahorros and Mortgage Lending Companies, published by the Bank of Spain, paragraph 19,1 of the statistical bulletin, Mortgage Market Official Reference Rates. IRPHB: Monthly average rate for mortgage loans over 3 years to purchase free housing from Banks, published by the Bank of Spain, paragraph 19,1 of the statistical bulletin, Mortgage Market Official Reference Rates. IRPHC: Monthly average rate for mortgage loans over 3 years to purchase free housing from Cajas de Ahorros, published by the Bank of Spain, paragraph 19,1 of the statistical bulletin, Mortgage Market Official Reference Rates. Runtime Error

Server Error in '/WebServices/VerDocumento' Application.

Runtime Error

Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

        <customErrors mode="Off"/>

Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

        <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/>