
Outstanding net short positions (≥ 0,5%)
Position holderNet short position size (%)Position datePrevious notifications
Kintbury Capital LLP 0.72013/09/2024 Previous notifications of Kintbury Capital LLP
Fosse Capital Partners LLP 1.00020/01/2023 Previous notifications of Fosse Capital Partners LLP


(*) In this section all the previous notifications that have fallen below the publication threshold of 0,5 % of the issued share capital are displayed

Aggregated net short position on (**) 23/11/2018 : 0.300

(**) The aggregated net short position figure includes, on the reference date, aggregated data from all notifications reported. It reflects the net short position on an issuer calculated every two weeks and it is not recalculated for subsequent changes on notifications.

Aggregated positions historical data