AUGUSTUS CAPITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT, SGIIC, S.A. desde 01/07/1988 hasta 21/02/2025 25/09/2020 09:13 AUGUSTUS CAPITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT, SGIIC, S.A. Shareholders agreements affecting voting rights CAMBIO DE CONTROL AUGUSTUS CAPITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT, S.G.I.I.C., S.A. Número de registro: 290241 02/03/2020 12:05 AUGUSTUS CAPITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT, SGIIC, S.A. Transmissions and purchases of capital undertakings. - Shareholders agreements affecting voting rights Acuerdo de Junta de comprar y amortizar la participación de TECARSE INVERSIONES, SL dejando el capital social en 297.000 euros, sujeto a no oposición de CNMV. Obtenida la no oposición, tiene VINURE GESTION SL una participación de control en AUGUSTUS. Número de registro: 286983 19/12/2019 13:40 AUGUSTUS CAPITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT, SGIIC, S.A. Shareholders agreements affecting voting rights Agreement by the Shareholders´ Meeting to purchase the participation of TECARSE INVERSIONES, SL and amortize them, leaving the share capital at 297,000 euros and holding VINURE GESION SL a controlling interest in AUGUSTUS CAPITAL. Número de registro: 284939 Rectificado por 284126 del 03/12/2019 (19:11) 03/12/2019 19:11 AUGUSTUS CAPITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT, SGIIC, S.A. Shareholders agreements affecting voting rights Agreement by the Shareholders´ Meeting to purchase the participation of TECARSE INVERSIONES, SL and amortize them, leaving the share capital at 297,000 euros and holding VINURE GESION SL a controlling interest in AUGUSTUS CAPITAL. Número de registro: 284126 Rectificado por 284939 del 19/12/2019 (13:40)