BANKINTER, S.A. «12345...» Page 3 out of 10 28/07/2023 19:00 BANKINTER, S.A. On business and financial situation The Company reports the stress test’s results conducted by European Banking Authority (EBA), in cooperation with the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB), known as EBA Stress Test 2023. Register number: 24006 20/07/2023 13:17 BANKINTER, S.A. Half-yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited audit review La sociedad remite información financiera del primer semestre de 2023 Register number: 23681 12/07/2023 17:37 BANKINTER, S.A. On credit ratings Credit Rating DBRS Morningstar Register number: 23559 10/07/2023 16:55 BANKINTER, S.A. On financial instruments Bankinter sends information on the issue called "IV Emisión Cédulas Hipotecarias Bankinter, S.A., diciembre 2019". Register number: 23491 10/07/2023 13:03 BANKINTER, S.A. Other relevant information Bankinter hereby announces that, on 20 July 2023, it will present its financial results for the first half of 2023. Register number: 23487 26/05/2023 20:42 BANKINTER, S.A. Reporting of related-party transactions Bankinter announces the execution of related-party transaction with Masaveu International, S.L. Register number: 22734 11/04/2023 11:57 BANKINTER, S.A. Other relevant information Bankinter announces scheduled date for 1Q2023 financial results presentation Register number: 21866 23/03/2023 20:36 BANKINTER, S.A. On business and financial situation The Company reports the 2022 "Prudential Relevance Report" (Pilar III Basilea). Register number: 21520 23/03/2023 18:31 BANKINTER, S.A. Other relevant information Bankinter announces the ratification of the CEO Register number: 21515 23/03/2023 14:48 BANKINTER, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting The Company reports information regarding the resolutions adopted by the Shareholders General Meeting held today, March 23, 2023. Register number: 21510 Page 3 out of 10 «12345...»