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Interim Financial Reports
Start period End period Semester Exercise TIN First publication
01/01/2008 31/12/2008 2 2008 A-58246810 27/02/2009


The Company INVERFIATC, S.A. has expanded and / or modified the information of the IPP model previously registered in this CNMV.

Last changes received on the following dates and sections:

Section Description Date
II. Información complementaria a la información periódica previamente publicada 20/04/2009
IV.1. Balance individual 20/04/2009
IV.6. Balance consolidado 20/04/2009
IV.7. Cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias consolidada 20/04/2009
IV.9. Estado total de cambios en el patrimonio neto consolidado 20/04/2009
IV.10.A Estado de flujos de efectivo consolidado (método indirecto) 20/04/2009
IV.14. Desglose de instrumentos financieros por naturaleza y categoría 20/04/2009
V. Notas explicativas a los estados financieros intermedios/Cuentas anuales resumidas del periodo intermedio 20/04/2009
VI. Informe de gestión intermedio 20/04/2009

Semi-annual information content

Description Document
Semi-annual report
Annex to the explanatory notes financial statements
Annex to the interim management report

Full report in format

The report has been prepared based on the IPP Taxonomy.