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Interim Financial Reports
Start period End period Semester Exercise TIN First publication
01/01/2011 31/12/2011 2 2011 A85845535 29/02/2012


The Company INTERNATIONAL CONSOLIDATED AIRLINES GROUP, S.A. has expanded and / or modified the information of the IPP model previously registered in this CNMV.

Last changes received on the following dates and sections:

Section Description Date
II. Información complementaria a la información periódica previamente publicada 04/04/2012
IV.17. Remuneraciones recibidas por los administradores y por los directivos 04/04/2012

Semi-annual information content

Description Document
Semi-annual report
Annex to the explanatory notes financial statements
Annex to the interim management report
Annex to the auditor's report

Full report in format

The report has been prepared based on the IPP Taxonomy.