«12» Page 1 out of 2 19/12/2019 16:45 Practices to be followed by Spanish management companies when investing in funds managed by the same management company 25/11/2019 15:20 Statement by the CNMV following the cases of alleged irregular practices related to some listed companies of which it has learned in recent months 09/09/2019 17:44 Suspension of certain waivers on pre-trade transparency requirements in the trading in specific listed shares for six months (published in September 2018) 09/09/2019 12:17 The CNMV submits for public consultation a Technical Guide on the authorisation procedure for new firms to speed up processes 24/07/2019 13:46 Resolution to bring four disciplinary proceedings 17/07/2019 14:14 Opening of the period for receipt of expressions of interest for the proposal of the Insolvency Administrator of the company Urbar Ingenieros, S.A. 15/07/2019 12:10 The CNMV announces that, as of 21 July 2019, the submission of a preliminary expert report will not be required for the registration of fixed income and structured product issuances for retail clients 10/07/2019 17:10 Price of the takeover bid for General de Alquiler y Maquinaria, S.A. submitted by Gestora de Activos y Maquinaria Industrial, S.L. 20/06/2019 12:09 Information on the marketing of FX Rolling Spot Futures Contracts, traded on MEFF, among retail investors 18/06/2019 09:32 The CNMV is to adopt the guidelines on the application of the definitions laid down in annex 1(c)(6) and (7) of Directive 2014/65/eu of the European Parliament and of the Council (MIFID II) Page 1 out of 2 «12»