«12345» Page 4 out of 5 27/04/2018 14:30 CNMV approves an amendment to the BME clearing regulations 27/04/2018 10:33 CNMV authorises the takeover bid submitted by Brookfield for Saeta Yield, S.A. 26/04/2018 16:15 The CNMV Chairman presents the 2017 annual report to the spanish Parliament 11/04/2018 11:47 CNMV holds meetings and disseminates good practices on the relationship between companies and the media and information of interest to the market 11/04/2018 11:35 CNMV signs a collaboration agreement with the Federation of the Press Associations of Spain (FAPE) 10/04/2018 12:02 The Financial Education Plan launches a new edition of the school competition to promote financial learning 27/03/2018 13:19 ESMA agrees to prohibit binary options and restrict CFDs to protect retail investors 27/03/2018 13:13 Frequently asked questions regarding ESMA´s product intervention measures in relation to CFDs and binary options offered to retail investors 27/03/2018 09:30 The Official State Gazette publishes the Circular on warnings relating to financial instruments 15/03/2018 12:40 CNMV approves a Circular establishing new warnings on financial instruments considered especially complex Page 4 out of 5 «12345»