«12345» Page 4 out of 5 21/03/2024 19:44 Public statement regarding Grifols 28/02/2024 10:30 La participación de los inversores minoristas en bolsa prosiguió su crecimiento en 2023 27/02/2024 11:56 The CNMV presents its 2024 Activity Plan 20/02/2024 12:24 The CNMV authorises the partial voluntary takeover bid for the shares of Prosegur Compañía de Seguridad, S.A. by Gubel S.L. 20/02/2024 12:23 CNMV authorises the takeover bid by GCE Bidco, S.L.U. for Opdenergy Holding, S.A. 16/02/2024 13:41 The CNMV brings together a group of expert economists 15/02/2024 13:45 Estudio de percepción sobre la actuación de los prestadores de servicios de inversión por parte de los inversores 02/02/2024 13:14 CNMV authorises the modifications to the takeover bid for Applus Services, S.A. launched by Manzana Spain BidCo, S.L.U. 02/02/2024 13:03 The CNMV adopts ESMA’s Guidelines on notifications pursuant to the EMIR Regulation - entry into force of the guidelines on reporting under EMIR Refit 01/02/2024 10:58 CNMV´s market stress indicator continues its downward trend and ends the year at a low-risk level Page 4 out of 5 «12345»