Venture Capital Company
Official Register No.Official Registry DateRegistered officeShare capitalLast prospectus dateProspectus (*)DFI (*)
220 30/04/2013 PASEO DE LA BONANOVA, 47 - 08017 BARCELONA (BARCELONA)9,339,942.00
(*) Responsibility for the content and accuracy of the Prospectus and KIID falls exclusively upon the management company, or the self-managed vehicle, as appropriate. The CNMV does not verify the content of these documents.
Individual audit
YearAuditorAnnual financial reports
2022 Deloitte
2021 Deloitte
2019 Deloitte
In the CNMV Audit Register (Article 58(1)(h) of Spanish Law 22/2014), in certain cases, the document is not made available to the public, in order to comply with data protection regulations. However, any interested party may expressly request access to this documentation from the CNMV through the channels provided.