Belonging to the continuous market

Annual Corporate Governance Report
Issuer nameRegister numberRegister dateExerciseModification dateModified item(s)Additional information (1)Document
DISTRIBUCION INTEGRAL LOGISTA, S.A.,CIA. DE 200804339430/04/20082007   IAGC DISTRIBUCION INTEGRAL LOGISTA, S.A.,CIA. DE, register number 2008043394
DISTRIBUCION INTEGRAL LOGISTA, S.A.,CIA. DE 200703784826/04/20072006   IAGC DISTRIBUCION INTEGRAL LOGISTA, S.A.,CIA. DE, register number 2007037848
DISTRIBUCION INTEGRAL LOGISTA, S.A.,CIA. DE 200603593526/04/20062005   IAGC DISTRIBUCION INTEGRAL LOGISTA, S.A.,CIA. DE, register number 2006035935
DISTRIBUCION INTEGRAL LOGISTA, S.A.,CIA. DE 200505667918/05/20052004   IAGC DISTRIBUCION INTEGRAL LOGISTA, S.A.,CIA. DE, register number 2005056679
DISTRIBUCION INTEGRAL LOGISTA, S.A.,CIA. DE 200403545626/04/20042003   IAGC DISTRIBUCION INTEGRAL LOGISTA, S.A.,CIA. DE, register number 2004035456

(1) Additional information provided by the issuer, either voluntarily or at the request of the CNMV