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Annual Corporate Governance Report
Issuer nameRegister numberRegister dateExerciseModification dateModified item(s)Additional information (1)Document
DEOLEO PREFERENTES, S.A. 202003838007/04/20202019   IAGC DEOLEO PREFERENTES, S.A., register number 2020038380
DEOLEO PREFERENTES, S.A. 201906927129/03/20192018   IAGC DEOLEO PREFERENTES, S.A., register number 2019069271
DEOLEO PREFERENTES, S.A. 201806059922/03/20182017   IAGC DEOLEO PREFERENTES, S.A., register number 2018060599
DEOLEO PREFERENTES, S.A. 201706450803/04/20172016   IAGC DEOLEO PREFERENTES, S.A., register number 2017064508

(1) Additional information provided by the issuer, either voluntarily or at the request of the CNMV