AIF management company in the European Economic Area under the freedom of providing services
Official Register No.Official registration date
233 17/08/2015
Official Register No.CIS typeName
4129Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV - SIF - AMSTERDAM FUND
4127Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV - SIF - ATENAS FUND
4939Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV - SIF - AUGUSTA NATIONAL FUND
4126Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV - SIF - CHAMONIX FUND
1257Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV - SIF - HERACLES FUND
4125Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV - SIF - MISISIPI FUND
5347Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV - SIF - PEBBLE BEACH FUND
5348Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV - SIF - PINE VALLEY FUND
4128Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV - SIF - SIDNEY FUND
1259Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV - SIF - TAURO FUND
5349Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV - SIF - THE BELFRY FUND
4872Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV-SIF - APOLO FUND
4870Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV-SIF - BRONTES FUND
4868Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV-SIF - FENIX FUND
4869Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV-SIF - HELIO FUND
4864Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV-SIF - LEOPARD CREEK FUND
4871Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV-SIF - PANGEA FUND
4877Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV-SIF - RIN FUND
4865Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV-SIF - ROYAL MELBOURNE FUND
4866Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV-SIF - SAINT ANDREWS FUND
4863Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV-SIF - TURIN FUND
4874Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL II SICAV-SIF - VINSON FUND
4834Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - BAUFEE FUND
4849Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - BLASKET ISLAND FUND
634Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - CARRIGALINE FUND
637Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - CASTLEBANNY FUND
4846Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - CASTLEGREGORY FUND
638Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - CHURCHTOWN FUND
4845Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - CLONLARA FUND
627Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - COOKSTOWN FUND
4831Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - COOTEHILL FUND
625Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - CORBRIDGE FUND
4844Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - DILLONSLAND FUND
4836Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - DRINAGH FUND
635Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - DURGANVAN FUND
631Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - FERRYBANK FUND
4843Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - FOXROCK FUND
639Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - GLASSCARRIG FUND
4851Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - HUNTINTON
4830Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - INISHEER FUND
4826Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - INLAND FUND
4827Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - KIDSTONES FUND
4850Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - KILLGALLIGAN FUND
4825Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - MARAGUA FUND
4828Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - MIDLETON FUND
4833Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - MONEYGALL FUND
4835Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - MOORFIELDS FUND
4841Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - MOUNTPOPLAR FUND
4840Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - NEWTONSANDES FUND
632Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - OLDCASTLE FUND
4829Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - OLDHEAD FUND
4837Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - PORTRONAN FUND
4839Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - STANDHILL FUND
636Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - STONECARTHY FUND
4847Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - TEMPLEMORE FUND
4838Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - THE KNOCK FUND
628Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - WHITEGATE FUND
4832Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV - WINDCORNER FUND
4942Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV-DUNDRUM FUND
4941Alternative investment fund A&G GLOBAL SICAV-SHANKILL FUND
1582Alternative investment fund ALTERALIA II S.C.A. SICAV-RAIF
535Alternative investment fund ALTERALIA S.C.A., SICAR - I COMPARTMENT
“The information available in the registers of European Economic Area management companies operating in Spain with or without an establishment is submitted to the CNMV by the National Competent Authorities of the corresponding place of origin of the Member State, who are responsible for ensuring that the information submitted is accurate and in compliance with the regulations”.