CAIXABANK, S.A. «...1112131415...» Página 15 de 102 desde 01/07/1988 hasta 19/11/2024 15/01/2018 12:41 CAIXABANK, S.A. Information on P&L. - Announcements of public presentations and meetings CaixaBank announces that will make a presentation to discuss its full year 2017 results. Número de registro: 260656 21/12/2017 20:55 CAIXABANK, S.A. Others on corporate transactions CaixaBank hereby informs that several term-sheets in connection with certain transactions regarding Banco BPI have been signed. Número de registro: 259862 21/12/2017 16:56 CAIXABANK, S.A. Composition of the board of directors The Company hereby informs changes in the Board of Directors. Número de registro: 259844 19/12/2017 10:12 CAIXABANK, S.A. Warrants, certificates and other instruments - Expiry and touch of barrier The company hereby informs about the liquidation price and the liquidation amount in relation to the warrants issued with an expiration date 15 December 2017. Número de registro: 259706 13/12/2017 08:59 CAIXABANK, S.A. Others on business performance and financial information The Company reports the minimum prudential capital requirements for the CaixaBank Group for 2018. Número de registro: 259359 24/11/2017 18:42 CAIXABANK, S.A. Others on business performance and financial information Company informs that it has published on its corporate website the information related to the EBA Transparency Exercise 2017, on a consolidated basis of the Criteria Caixa Group. Número de registro: 258862 23/11/2017 20:02 CAIXABANK, S.A. Transmissions and purchases of capital undertakings. - Others on corporate transactions CaixaBank hereby informs that several agreements in connection with certain transactions regarding Banco BPI, S.A. have been signed. Número de registro: 258819 20/11/2017 13:29 CAIXABANK, S.A. Warrants, certificates and other instruments - Expiry and touch of barrier The company hereby informs about the liquidation price and the liquidation amount in relation to the warrants issued with an expiration date 17 November 2017. Número de registro: 258704 30/10/2017 18:21 CAIXABANK, S.A. Warrants, certificates and other instruments - Adjustments The Company inform on the adjustments, being the effective date 31 October 2017, which will be made to the exercise price and ratio of the warrants over INDITEX” Número de registro: 258000 25/10/2017 11:00 CAIXABANK, S.A. Early expiration The company reports the partial early redemption of the “37ª Emisión de Bonos Líneas ICO” Número de registro: 257760 Página 15 de 102 «...1112131415...»