BANKINTER, S.A. «12345...» Page 3 out of 94 from 01/07/1988 to 05/12/2024 The price-sensitive information presented in other languages is a literal translation of the price-sensitive information stated in Spanish 27/05/2019 08:42 BANKINTER, S.A. Credit ratings Credit Rating covered bonds Standard & Poor´s Register number: 278604 17/05/2019 13:39 BANKINTER, S.A. Others on business performance and financial information Bankinter, S.A. detected an erratum in the third paragraph of the material fact registered today with number 278340 and has resubmitted a corrected version of the full text. Register number: 278354 Corrected by 278340 of 17/05/2019 (08:43) 17/05/2019 08:43 BANKINTER, S.A. Others on business performance and financial information Bankinter, S.A reports on the minimum owns funds and eligible liabilities that has been set by the Single Resolution Board. Register number: 278340 Corrected by 278354 of 17/05/2019 (13:39) 25/04/2019 08:36 BANKINTER, S.A. Interim financial information La sociedad remite información sobre los resultados del primer trimestre de 2019 Register number: 277384 25/04/2019 07:43 BANKINTER, S.A. Information on P&L Bankinter issues press release on 2019 first quarter earnings Register number: 277373 25/04/2019 07:41 BANKINTER, S.A. Information on P&L Bankinter submits presentation on 2019 first quarter earnings Register number: 277372 10/04/2019 12:19 BANKINTER, S.A. Announcements of public presentations and meetings Bankinter announces scheduled date for 1Q2019 results presentation Register number: 276971 21/03/2019 19:26 BANKINTER, S.A. Composition of other management and supervisory bodies Bankinter announces the ratification of the CEO Register number: 276321 21/03/2019 18:47 BANKINTER, S.A. Others on business performance and financial information The company submits its 2018 Pillar 3 Disclosures Report Register number: 276320 21/03/2019 17:44 BANKINTER, S.A. Announcements and resolutions of general shareholders meetings. - Employees share and stock ownership schemes Bankinter sends information on the resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held today, 21 March 2019 Register number: 276318 Page 3 out of 94 «12345...»