BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. «...1112131415...» Page 15 out of 221 from 01/07/1988 to 22/12/2024 The price-sensitive information presented in other languages is a literal translation of the price-sensitive information stated in Spanish 26/09/2017 18:10 BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. Public offer of convertible or exchangable securities Banco Santander, S.A. informs that has carried out a placement of preferred securities contingently convertible into newly issued ordinary shares of the Bank. Register number: 256740 12/09/2017 16:22 BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. Public offer of non-equity instruments Approval and registration in the CNMV´s official records of the Securities Note and the Summary in connection with the public offer to purchase contingent redeemable perpetual bonds of Banco Santander (the “Fidelity Bonds”). Register number: 256280 Related with 259557 of 15/12/2017 (08:30) 08/08/2017 17:35 BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. Others on corporate transactions Banco Santander informs that Banco Popular has executed the agreements with the Blackstone Fund for the acquisition by the fund of 51% of Banco Popular´s real estate business Register number: 255747 31/07/2017 20:33 BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. Interim financial information La sociedad remite información sobre los resultados del primer semestre de 2017 Register number: 255461 31/07/2017 20:00 BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. Increases and decreases of share capital. - Information on dividends Announcement of the schedule for the implementation of the program "Santander Dividendo Elección". Register number: 255458 28/07/2017 17:35 BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. Increases and decreases of share capital Spanish Stock Exchanges’ authorization of the admission to listing of the new shares Register number: 255382 Related with 255167 of 27/07/2017 (17:35) 28/07/2017 07:11 BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. Information on P&L Resultados obtenidos durante el primer semestre 2017: Presentación para analistas. Register number: 255216 28/07/2017 07:06 BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. Information on P&L First half 2017 results: Charts Register number: 255215 28/07/2017 07:04 BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. Information on P&L Resultados obtenidos durante el primer semestre 2017: Informe Financiero primer semestre 2017. Register number: 255213 28/07/2017 06:57 BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. Information on P&L First half 2017 results press reléase. Register number: 255211 Page 15 out of 221 «...1112131415...»