MULTI UNITS FRANCE «123» Page 2 out of 3 from 01/07/1988 to 15/01/2025 The price-sensitive information presented in other languages is a literal translation of the price-sensitive information stated in Spanish 10/07/2019 12:35 MULTI UNITS FRANCE Suspension of trading and lifting of such suspension The CNMV has agreed to suspend, with effect from market close on 16 July 2019, the trading of the shares of LYXOR IBEX 35 INVERSO DIARIO UCITS, ETF of the open-ended collective investment scheme MULTI-UNITS FRANCE, Acc. class, with ISIN Code FR0010762492, due to the commencement of the procedure for the closing and liquidation of the underlying (ETF). Register number: 280072 09/07/2019 13:38 MULTI UNITS FRANCE Information on dividends COMUNICACION PAGO DE DIVIDENDO LYXOR IBEX 35 (DR) UCITS ETF Register number: 280049 21/06/2019 13:45 MULTI UNITS FRANCE De-registration/Dissolution/Liquidation/Absorption through merger SOLICITUD SUSPENSION DE NEGOCIACION Lyxor Ibex 35 Inverso Diario UCITS ETF Register number: 279403 05/12/2018 12:20 MULTI UNITS FRANCE Information on dividends Comunicación pago de dividendos Register number: 272142 09/10/2018 13:44 MULTI UNITS FRANCE NAV and number of investors of foreign CIS La entidad comunica número de accionistas y patrimonio Register number: 270360 24/11/2017 17:32 MULTI UNITS FRANCE Trading: admissions, changes and removals La Sociedad Rectora de la Bolsa de Valores de Madrid, S.A., comunica la exclusión de negociación de el fondo de inversión de carácter financiero LYXOR UCITS ETF IBEX MID D-EUR. Register number: 258858 24/11/2017 14:45 MULTI UNITS FRANCE Trading: admissions, changes and removals La Sociedad Rectora de la Bolsa de Valores de Barcelona, S.A., comunica la exclusión de negociación de el fondo de inversión de carácter financiero LYXOR UCITS ETF IBEX MID D-EUR. Register number: 258852 24/11/2017 14:43 MULTI UNITS FRANCE Trading: admissions, changes and removals La Sociedad Rectora de la Bolsa de Valores de Valencia, S.A., comunica la exclusión de negociación de el fondo de inversión de carácter financiero LYXOR UCITS ETF IBEX MID D-EUR. Register number: 258851 17/11/2017 14:17 MULTI UNITS FRANCE Suspension of trading and lifting of such suspension The CNMV agrees to suspend as a precautionary measure trading of the shares of ETF LYXOR UCITS ETF IBEX MID from SICAV MULTI-UNITS FRANCE, class D-EUR, with effect from 20 November 2017 after closure of the Market. Register number: 258660 31/10/2017 18:19 MULTI UNITS FRANCE De-registration/Dissolution/Liquidation/Absorption through merger. - De-listing of CIS from the Stock Exchange Solicitud de exclusion de cotización y liquidacion del Compartimento de la SICAV Multi Units France Lyxor UCITS ETF Ibex Mid Register number: 258067 Page 2 out of 3 «123»