IBERDROLA, S.A. «...3637383940...» Página 37 de 167 desde 01/07/1988 hasta 23/02/2025 22/04/2014 11:47 IBERDROLA, S.A. Buy-back programmes, stabilisation and treasury stock Transactions carried out by Iberdrola, S.A. under its share buyback programme between 14 and 17 April 2014. Número de registro: 203823 16/04/2014 16:07 IBERDROLA, S.A. Other on financial instruments Exchange of 7,500 notes of Series 106 to be issued by IBERDROLA INTERNATIONAL for notes of Series 57, 95 and 96 issued by IBERDROLA FINANZAS that HSBC BANK has accepted to buy pursuant to its tender offer dated 8 April 2014. Número de registro: 203765 Relacionado con 203219 del 08/04/2014 (18:41) 15/04/2014 08:27 IBERDROLA, S.A. Others on business performance and financial information Energetic Balance (Ibe-Watch) for the 2014 First Quarter Número de registro: 203578 14/04/2014 13:29 IBERDROLA, S.A. Buy-back programmes, stabilisation and treasury stock Transactions carried out by Iberdrola, S.A. under its share buyback programme between 4 and 11 April 2014 Número de registro: 203467 10/04/2014 14:45 IBERDROLA, S.A. Composition of the board of directors Acknowledgement of the resignation tendered by Mr. Manuel Lagares Gómez-Abascal from his position as director of IBERDROLA, S.A. Número de registro: 203282 10/04/2014 10:02 IBERDROLA, S.A. Block trades UBS y CITI comunican la finalización de la colocación privada del 4,94% de Iberdrola con un precio de 4,85 euros por acción. Número de registro: 203270 Relacionado con 203263 del 09/04/2014 (19:03) 10/04/2014 08:37 IBERDROLA, S.A. Suspension of trading and lifting of such suspension La CNMV ha decidido suspender cautelarmente, con efectos inmediatos, la negociación de Iberdrola. A las 10:00 horas del día de la fecha tendrá lugar el levantamiento. Número de registro: 203268 09/04/2014 19:03 IBERDROLA, S.A. Block trades UBS Limited comunica que está realizando por cuenta de Banco Financiero y de Ahorros, SA una colocaci6n privada entre inversores cualificados de un paquete de 314,887,559 acciones de Iberdrola, SA, representativas del 4,94% de su capital social. Número de registro: 203263 Relacionado con 203270 del 10/04/2014 (10:02) 08/04/2014 18:41 IBERDROLA, S.A. Other on financial instruments Issue of notes by IBERDROLA INTERNATIONAL guaranteed by IBERDROLA amounting to €750 million, maturing on October 2022 and annual coupon 2.50%. Issue price 99.720% of nominal value. Exchange for notes of IBERDROLA FINANZAS. Número de registro: 203219 Relacionado con 203765 del 16/04/2014 (16:07) 04/04/2014 10:36 IBERDROLA, S.A. Buy-back programmes, stabilisation and treasury stock Transactions carried out by Iberdrola, S.A. under its share buyback programme between 28 March and 3 April 2014 Número de registro: 202949 Página 37 de 167 «...3637383940...»