IBERDROLA, S.A. «...678910...» Página 10 de 167 desde 01/07/1988 hasta 22/02/2025 21/06/2018 13:59 IBERDROLA, S.A. Composition of the board of directors. - Composition of other management and supervisory bodies. - Others about corporate governance Changes in the composition of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee and the Remuneration Committee and appointing a new lead independent director and a non-executive deputy chairman. Partial reform of the Corporate Governance System Número de registro: 267029 18/06/2018 07:57 IBERDROLA, S.A. Buy-back programmes, stabilisation and treasury stock Transactions carried out by Iberdrola, S.A. under its share buyback programme between 7 and 15 June 2018. Termination of the programme. Acquisition of own shares through the settlement of derivatives Número de registro: 266872 Relacionado con 261747 del 20/02/2018 (14:57) 07/06/2018 07:51 IBERDROLA, S.A. Buy-back programmes, stabilisation and treasury stock Transactions carried out by Iberdrola, S.A. under its share buyback programme between 29 May and 6 June 2018 Número de registro: 266480 31/05/2018 07:48 IBERDROLA, S.A. Takeover bids Update of the information on the takeover bid launched by “Neoenergia, S.A.” for the acquisition of the share capital of “Eletropaulo Metropolitana Electricidade de São Paulo, S.A.” Número de registro: 266294 Relacionado con 264702 del 26/04/2018 (14:07) 29/05/2018 07:53 IBERDROLA, S.A. Buy-back programmes, stabilisation and treasury stock Transactions carried out by Iberdrola, S.A. under its share buyback programme between 21 and 28 May 2018 Número de registro: 266183 Relacionado con 261747 del 20/02/2018 (14:57) 21/05/2018 07:54 IBERDROLA, S.A. Buy-back programmes, stabilisation and treasury stock Transactions carried out by Iberdrola, S.A. under its share buyback programme between 11 and 18 May 2018 Número de registro: 265829 Relacionado con 261747 del 20/02/2018 (14:57) 11/05/2018 07:37 IBERDROLA, S.A. Buy-back programmes, stabilisation and treasury stock Transactions carried out by Iberdrola, S.A. under its share buyback programme between 3 and 10 May 2018 Número de registro: 265489 Relacionado con 261747 del 20/02/2018 (14:57) 03/05/2018 17:23 IBERDROLA, S.A. Others about corporate governance Comunicación de la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores a Iberdrola, S.A. relacionada con Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, S.A. Número de registro: 265099 03/05/2018 12:52 IBERDROLA, S.A. Buy-back programmes, stabilisation and treasury stock Transactions carried out by Iberdrola, S.A. under its share buyback programme between 24 April and 2 May 2018 Número de registro: 265075 Relacionado con 261747 del 20/02/2018 (14:57) 26/04/2018 14:07 IBERDROLA, S.A. Takeover bids Increase of the price of the takeover bid launched by “Neoenergia, S.A.” for the acquisition of the share capital of “Eletropaulo Metropolitana Electricidade de São Paulo, S.A.” Número de registro: 264702 Relacionado con 264459 del 23/04/2018 (07:43) Página 10 de 167 «...678910...»