«12345...» Page 3 out of 6 last 30 days 19/11/2024 21:09 METROVACESA, S.A. On corporate governance The company submits detailed information regarding the results of the voting conducted during the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on this date. Register number: 2483 19/11/2024 19:02 GRIFOLS, S.A. On takeover bids for shares Grifols informs that the Board of Directors would not recommend the shareholders of the Company the acceptance of a potential offer at the indicated price. Register number: 2482 19/11/2024 18:23 ECOLUMBER, S.A. On bankruptcy proceedings ECOLUMBER informa de que en fecha 18 de noviembre de 2024 ha procedido a solicitar la declaración de concurso voluntario de acreedores, junto con las sociedades filiales URIARTE ITURRATE, S.L.U. y FRUTOS SECOS DE LA VEGA, S.L. Register number: 2481 19/11/2024 18:09 TALGO, S.A. On P&L Talgo's Results Presentation Third Quarter 2024 Register number: 2480 19/11/2024 12:11 GRIFOLS, S.A. On takeover bids for shares In relation to the inside information note sent today to the CNMV by Brookfield, Grifols announces that its Board of Directors will hold an extraordinary meeting this afternoon to analyse the information received. Register number: 2479 19/11/2024 12:02 GRIFOLS, S.A. (GRIFOLS) On takeover bids for shares Brookfield Capital Partners UK Limited discloses information related to news published in the media. Register number: 2478 Related to communication no. 2307 dated 08/07/2024 (11:30) 19/11/2024 08:05 ENDESA, S.A. On strategic plans and profit forecasts 2025-2027 Strategic Plan Update Register number: 2477 19/11/2024 08:01 ENDESA, S.A. On business and financial situation 2024-2027 Dividend Policy Register number: 2476 19/11/2024 06:29 CAIXABANK, S.A. On strategic plans and profit forecasts CaixaBank sends documentation of the "Investor Day" meeting to present CaixaBank´s 2025-2027 Strategic Plan. Register number: 2475 18/11/2024 18:24 PROMOTORA DE INFORMACIONES, S.A. On share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The Company announces the buy-back program of own shares approved and the temporary suspension of the liquidity agreement entered into with JB Capital Markets Register number: 2474 Page 3 out of 6 «12345...»