«...8182838485...» Page 84 out of 95 last 30 days 17/02/2025 18:03 INTERNATIONAL CONSOLIDATED AIRLINES GROUP, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The Company discloses information on the transactions carried out under its share buyback programme Register number: 32617 17/02/2025 17:37 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company reports the transactions performed in the context of the Share Buy-back Program between 10 February and 14 February 2025. Register number: 32616 17/02/2025 16:17 TDA CAM 8, FONDO DE TITULIZACION DE ACTIVOS On securitisation funds TDA CAM 8, Fondo deTitulización de Activos: Actuaciones sobre las calificaciones de los bonos por parte de Moody's Ratings Register number: 32615 17/02/2025 16:00 CAIXABANK RMBS 3, FONDO DE TITULIZACION On credit ratings “DBRS” ha procedido a modificar la calificación del bono del Fondo de referencia: Serie B (ISIN: ES0305308019)”: de CC (sf) a B (low)(sf)" Register number: 32614 17/02/2025 13:57 BBVA LEASING 3, FONDO DE TITULIZACION On securitisation funds Determinación Fecha de Pago 19 de mayo de 2025 Register number: 32613 17/02/2025 13:10 HIPOCAT 11, FONDO DE TITULIZACION DE ACTIVOS On securitisation funds Revisión calificaciones Bonos por Fitch Register number: 32612 17/02/2025 13:05 HIPOCAT 10, F.T.A. On securitisation funds Revisión calificaciones Bonos por Fitch Register number: 32611 17/02/2025 13:04 ABANCA CORPORACION BANCARIA, S.A. On financial instruments The company announces its decision to redeem early and in whole the issue of subordinated notes ISIN ES0265936015 Register number: 32610 17/02/2025 12:48 BORGES AGRICULTURAL & INDUSTRIAL NUTS, S.A. Half-yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited audit review La sociedad remite información financiera del primer semestre de 2024 - 2025 Register number: 32609 17/02/2025 12:31 BORGES AGRICULTURAL & INDUSTRIAL NUTS, S.A. Other relevant information Nota de prensa Register number: 32608 Page 84 out of 95 «...8182838485...»