CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. «12345...» Page 5 out of 19 21/06/2023 18:50 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Other relevant information CIE Automotive informs on the payment of the complementary dividend on July 7, 2023 Register number: 23192 04/05/2023 20:30 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting CIE Automotive releases the presentation carried out by the CEO during the General Shareholders Meeting Register number: 22347 Notification modified by communication number 21698 dated 31/03/2023 (13:18) 04/05/2023 20:28 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting CIE Automotive informs on the resolutions adopted during its General Shareholders Meeting on May 4 2023 Register number: 22346 Notification modified by communication number 21698 dated 31/03/2023 (13:18) 04/05/2023 11:50 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. On business and financial situation CIE Automotive releases the interim financial information corresponding to the first quarter 2023 Register number: 22334 02/05/2023 17:52 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Other relevant information CIE Automotive completes the acquisition of Iber-Oleff Brasil Register number: 22289 19/04/2023 07:00 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Other relevant information CIE Automotive releases the date for the presentation of the 1Q2023 results and the corresponding conference call Register number: 21985 31/03/2023 19:33 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Total number of voting rights and capital CIE Automtive reports the registration of the share capital decrease by redemption of treasury stock Register number: 21723 31/03/2023 13:18 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting CIE Automotive convoca su Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas el 4 de mayo de 2023 Register number: 21698 Notification modified by communication number 22347 dated 04/05/2023 (20:30) 22/03/2023 08:20 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. General Shareholders’ Meeting Regulations La sociedad remite el Reglamento de la junta general de accionistas Register number: 21466 27/02/2023 19:07 CIE AUTOMOTIVE, S.A. Reporting of related-party transactions The Company informs on related party transactions with the Mahindra & Mahindra Group. Register number: 20839 Page 5 out of 19 «12345...»