PROSEGUR, COMPAÑIA DE SEGURIDAD, S.A. «...1617181920...» Page 19 out of 21 03/06/2020 12:34 PROSEGUR, COMPAÑIA DE SEGURIDAD, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company discloses the information related to the transactions carried out between May 27 and June 2 of 2020 Register number: 2550 27/05/2020 13:33 PROSEGUR, COMPAÑIA DE SEGURIDAD, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company discloses the information related to the transactions carried out between May 20 and 26 of 2020 Register number: 2440 26/05/2020 08:30 PROSEGUR, COMPAÑIA DE SEGURIDAD, S.A. Interim management report La sociedad remite declaración intermedia de gestión del primer trimestre de 2020 Register number: 2418 26/05/2020 08:28 PROSEGUR, COMPAÑIA DE SEGURIDAD, S.A. On business and financial situation Results Presentation Q1 2020 Register number: 2417 20/05/2020 12:42 PROSEGUR, COMPAÑIA DE SEGURIDAD, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company discloses the information related to the transactions carried out between May 13 and 19 of 2020 Register number: 2320 13/05/2020 12:33 PROSEGUR, COMPAÑIA DE SEGURIDAD, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company discloses the information related to the transactions carried out between May 6 and 12 of 2020 Register number: 2204 06/05/2020 18:13 PROSEGUR, COMPAÑIA DE SEGURIDAD, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company discloses the information related to the transactions carried out between April 29 and May 5 of 2020 Register number: 2071 30/04/2020 08:29 PROSEGUR, COMPAÑIA DE SEGURIDAD, S.A. Other relevant information Communication on the reinvestment price of the second payment of the 2019 interim dividend. Register number: 1887 29/04/2020 11:33 PROSEGUR, COMPAÑIA DE SEGURIDAD, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company discloses the information related to the transactions carried out between April 22 and 28 of 2020 Register number: 1845 22/04/2020 13:45 PROSEGUR, COMPAÑIA DE SEGURIDAD, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company discloses the information related to the transactions carried out between April 15 and 21 of 2020 Register number: 1684 Page 19 out of 21 «...1617181920...»