EBRO FOODS, S.A. «...678910...» Page 7 out of 12 30/03/2022 14:49 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Other relevant information - On corporate governance Ebro Foods, S.A. notifies Board change. Register number: 15276 24/03/2022 16:10 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Other relevant information Ebro Foods, S.A. notifies Board change. Register number: 15141 07/03/2022 09:48 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Board of Directors Regulations La sociedad remite el reglamento del Consejo de Administración Register number: 14846 28/02/2022 16:04 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Other relevant information Ebro Foods, S.A. publishes the presentation announced this morning, relating to the results of Ebro Foods Group for 2021. Register number: 14605 28/02/2022 16:00 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Half-yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited audit review La sociedad remite información financiera del segundo semestre de 2021 Register number: 14601 28/02/2022 09:10 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Other relevant information Ebro Foods, S.A. announces presentation relating to the results of Ebro Foods Group for 2021. Register number: 14553 31/01/2022 14:33 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Other relevant information Ebro Foods, S.A. notifies Board and Committees changes Register number: 13806 31/12/2021 12:14 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Other relevant information Ebro Foods, S.A. announces the execution of the sale of Panzani® dry pasta, semolina, couscous and sauces business Register number: 13442 15/12/2021 16:47 EBRO FOODS, S.A. On corporate governance Ebro Foods, S.A. notifies Board and Committees changes Register number: 13197 15/12/2021 12:55 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting Ebro Foods, S.A. publishes the resolutions adopted at the Extraordinary General Meeting today. Register number: 13186 Page 7 out of 12 «...678910...»