ECOENER, S.A. «...678» Page 8 out of 8 04/05/2021 20:39 GRUPO ECOENER, S.A. Total number of voting rights and capital Notification of the number of voting rights and total share capital of the company as a result of the registration of the public deed corresponding to the share capital increase of the company's initial public subscription offering. Register number: 9157 04/05/2021 17:01 GRUPO ECOENER, S.A. Board of Directors Regulations La sociedad remite el reglamento del Consejo de Administración Register number: 9148 04/05/2021 17:00 GRUPO ECOENER, S.A. General Shareholders’ Meeting Regulations La sociedad remite el Reglamento de la junta general de accionistas Register number: 9147 03/05/2021 19:44 GRUPO ECOENER, S.A. Home Member State Communication of the Member State of origin as a consequence of the first admission to trading of the company's shares. Register number: 9133 30/04/2021 17:19 GRUPO ECOENER, S.A. Initial public offerings and public offerings Subscription and payment of the Offer and granting and registration of the public deed of share capital increase Register number: 9101 28/04/2021 09:33 GRUPO ECOENER, S.A. Other relevant information - Initial public offerings and public offerings Otra información relevante Register number: 8900 Page 8 out of 8 «...678»