FERROVIAL, S.A. «...2122232425...» Page 25 out of 26 03/04/2020 14:52 FERROVIAL, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes Transactions carried out by Ferrovial, S.A. under its own share buy-back programme between 27 March and 2 April 2020 Register number: 1388 30/03/2020 21:10 FERROVIAL, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting Supplementary announcement to that of the call for the General Shareholders’ Meeting 2020 Register number: 1301 27/03/2020 17:19 FERROVIAL, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes Transactions carried out by Ferrovial, S.A. under its own share buy-back programme between 20 and 26 March 2020 Register number: 1261 25/03/2020 21:34 FERROVIAL, S.A. On business and financial situation Ferrovial reports on the impact of Covid-19 Register number: 1195 20/03/2020 15:48 FERROVIAL, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes Transactions carried out by Ferrovial, S.A. under its own share buy-back programme between 13 and 19 March 2020 Register number: 1103 13/03/2020 15:55 FERROVIAL, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes Transactions carried out by Ferrovial, S.A. under its own share buy-back programme between 10 and 12 March 2020 Register number: 991 27/02/2020 20:27 FERROVIAL, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting Ferrovial announces the call of the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting and submits proposed resolutions Register number: 499 27/02/2020 19:43 FERROVIAL, S.A. Annual report on directors´ remunerations La Sociedad remite el Informe Anual sobre remuneraciones de los consejeros del Ejercicio 2019 Register number: 492 27/02/2020 19:24 FERROVIAL, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes Share buy-back programme of Ferrovial, S.A. up to a maximum of 25,000,000 shares Register number: 490 27/02/2020 18:57 FERROVIAL, S.A. Annual corporate governance report La sociedad remite el Informe Anual de Gobierno Corporativo del ejercicio 2019 Register number: 485 Page 25 out of 26 «...2122232425...»