CORPORACION ACCIONA ENERGIAS RENOVABLES, S.A. «...11121314» Page 13 out of 14 04/11/2021 18:56 CORPORACION ACCIONA ENERGIAS RENOVABLES, S.A. Other relevant information Acciona Energia attaches a 9M 2021 Trading Statement. Register number: 12584 18/10/2021 18:49 CORPORACION ACCIONA ENERGIAS RENOVABLES, S.A. Liquidity and counterparty agreements Acciona Energia informs of the execution of a liquidity contract. Register number: 12246 30/09/2021 19:54 CORPORACION ACCIONA ENERGIAS RENOVABLES, S.A. On financial instruments ACCIONA ENERGIA reports the issuance of the first public bond under the debt program, European Medium Term Note (EMTN) Register number: 11968 28/07/2021 21:17 CORPORACION ACCIONA ENERGIAS RENOVABLES, S.A. Other relevant information Acciona adjunta presentación en inglés relativa a los resultados del primer semestre de 2021 Register number: 10955 28/07/2021 21:08 CORPORACION ACCIONA ENERGIAS RENOVABLES, S.A. On business and financial situation Company attachs 1S 2021 Results Report. Register number: 10954 28/07/2021 20:49 CORPORACION ACCIONA ENERGIAS RENOVABLES, S.A. Half-yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited audit review La sociedad remite información financiera del primer semestre de 2021 Register number: 10953 20/07/2021 18:02 CORPORACION ACCIONA ENERGIAS RENOVABLES, S.A. On financial instruments The Company reports the establishment of the European Medium Term Note Programme (EMTN) and Euro Commercial Paper Programme (ECP). Register number: 10711 15/07/2021 20:51 CORPORACION ACCIONA ENERGIAS RENOVABLES, S.A. Initial public offerings and public offerings The Company reports the end of the stabilizing period and the exercise of the full over-allotment option. Register number: 10653 05/07/2021 13:28 CORPORACION ACCIONA ENERGIAS RENOVABLES, S.A. Home Member State Comunicación del Estado Miembro de origen como consecuencia de la primera admisión a negociación de las acciones de la Sociedad. Register number: 10461 02/07/2021 14:41 CORPORACION ACCIONA ENERGIAS RENOVABLES, S.A. Total number of voting rights and capital Se adjunta escritura de refundición de estatutos sociales. Register number: 10440 Page 13 out of 14 «...11121314»