LAR ESPAÑA REAL ESTATE SOCIMI, S.A. «...1617181920» Page 20 out of 20 14/02/2020 16:47 LAR ESPAÑA REAL ESTATE SOCIMI, S.A. Annual report on directors´ remunerations La Sociedad remite el Informe Anual sobre remuneraciones de los consejeros del Ejercicio 2019 Register number: 81 14/02/2020 16:39 LAR ESPAÑA REAL ESTATE SOCIMI, S.A. Annual corporate governance report La sociedad remite el Informe Anual de Gobierno Corporativo del ejercicio 2019 Register number: 80 11/02/2020 19:34 LAR ESPAÑA REAL ESTATE SOCIMI, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company reports the transactions performed in the context of the Share Buy-back Program between 4 February and 10 February 2020. Register number: 24 Page 20 out of 20 «...1617181920»