METROVACESA, S.A. «...1112131415» Page 14 out of 15 03/11/2020 08:38 METROVACESA, S.A. On financial instruments Metrovacesa informs that equity swap has crossed the threshold of 1.0% of its share capital as of November 2nd, 2020. Register number: 5451 30/10/2020 07:08 METROVACESA, S.A. Interim management report La sociedad remite declaración intermedia de gestión del tercer trimestre de 2020 Register number: 5401 30/10/2020 07:00 METROVACESA, S.A. On business and financial situation Metrovacesa submits quarterly management report concerning 3Q2020 Register number: 5400 19/10/2020 10:42 METROVACESA, S.A. On financial instruments Metrovacesa has registered a Commercial Paper Program on the Alternative Fixed-Income Market (MARF) with a maximum outstanding amount of 100 million euros and maturity periods of up to 24 months. Register number: 5076 15/10/2020 19:03 METROVACESA, S.A. On business and financial situation Metrovacesa S.A. will present the Results corresponding to the third quarter of 2020 on Friday, 30 October at 10.00 CET Register number: 5049 21/09/2020 19:34 METROVACESA, S.A. Other relevant information Metrovacesa announces that it has launched an offer to purchase shares of its subsidiary Metrovacesa Promoción y Arrendamiento Register number: 4545 28/07/2020 06:59 METROVACESA, S.A. Half-yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited audit review La sociedad remite información financiera del primer semestre de 2020 Register number: 3647 15/07/2020 21:03 METROVACESA, S.A. On business and financial situation Metrovacesa S.A. will present the results corresponding to the first half of 2020 on Tuesday, 28 July at 10.00 am CET Register number: 3415 25/05/2020 20:43 METROVACESA, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting Metrovacesa submits the results of the votes of the Ordinary Shareholders' General Meeting held today Register number: 2413 19/05/2020 19:16 METROVACESA, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting The Board of Directors of Metrovacesa has resolved that the General Shareholders' Meeting will be held exclusively by electronic means. Register number: 2311 Page 14 out of 15 «...1112131415»