METROVACESA, S.A. «...678910...» Page 10 out of 15 30/05/2022 11:33 METROVACESA, S.A. (METROVACESA) Takeover bids for shares The CNMV informs of the acceptance period for the partial voluntary takeover bid for Metrovacesa, S.A., launched by FCYC, S.A. Register number: 16540 Related to communication no. 16494 dated 26/05/2022 (19:24) 26/05/2022 19:24 METROVACESA, S.A. (METROVACESA) Takeover bids for shares The CNMV informs that the partial voluntary takeover bid for Metrovacesa, S.A., launched by FCYC, S.A. has been authorised on 26 May 2022. Register number: 16494 05/05/2022 11:43 METROVACESA, S.A. (METROVACESA) Takeover bids for shares On 5 May 2022 the CNMV admitted for processing the application for authorisation of the partial takeover bid submitted by FCYC, S.A. for Metrovacesa, S.A. Register number: 16049 04/05/2022 19:29 METROVACESA, S.A. Reporting of related-party transactions Metrovacesa informa sobre operaciones con entidades vinculadas Register number: 16027 04/05/2022 06:53 METROVACESA, S.A. On business and financial situation Metrovacesa submits presentation of results corresponding to 1Q22 Register number: 16004 03/05/2022 18:30 METROVACESA, S.A. On business and financial situation Information about dividend approved by Shareholder Meeting. Dividend dates. Register number: 16003 03/05/2022 18:25 METROVACESA, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting Result of the votes of the Shareholder's Meeting of Metrovacesa Register number: 16002 25/04/2022 17:51 METROVACESA, S.A. Takeover bids for shares Appointment financial and legal advisors Register number: 15738 25/04/2022 12:44 METROVACESA, S.A. (METROVACESA) Takeover bids for shares FCyC, S.A., sociedad del grupo FCC, ha presentado en el día de hoy ante la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) el escrito de solicitud de autorización de la oferta pública voluntaria parcial de adquisición de acciones de Metrovacesa, S.A. Register number: 15723 19/04/2022 20:25 METROVACESA, S.A. On business and financial situation Metrovacesa will submit its 1Q 2022 results to the CNMV on Wednesday May 4th 2022 before the market opening. Management will present the results in a webcast on the same day at 10:00 am CET. Register number: 15659 Page 10 out of 15 «...678910...»