AMREST HOLDINGS, SE «...1112131415» Page 13 out of 15 13/12/2021 20:31 AMREST HOLDINGS, SE On business and financial situation Extension of Credit Agreement Register number: 13163 25/08/2021 17:51 AMREST HOLDINGS, SE Half-yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited audit review La sociedad remite información financiera del primer semestre de 2021 Register number: 11373 30/06/2021 14:39 AMREST HOLDINGS, SE Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting Resolutions approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of June 30, 2021. Register number: 10320 Notification modified by communication number 9969 dated 14/06/2021 (09:27) 14/06/2021 09:27 AMREST HOLDINGS, SE Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting Call Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of June 30, 2021. Register number: 9969 Notification modified by communication number 9966 dated 14/06/2021 (08:17) Notification modified by communication number 10320 dated 30/06/2021 (14:39) 14/06/2021 09:01 AMREST HOLDINGS, SE Other relevant information Announcement of the convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting, which includes the Agenda, and which will be continuously accessible on the Company's website corporate. Register number: 9968 14/06/2021 08:17 AMREST HOLDINGS, SE Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting The Board of Directors summons to the Extraordinary General Meeting in which the Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores as auditor of the Company and its Consolidated Group for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023 will be proposed for its approval. Register number: 9966 Notification modified by communication number 9969 dated 14/06/2021 (09:27) 12/05/2021 15:27 AMREST HOLDINGS, SE Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting Resolutions passed by the Annual General Meeting 2021 Register number: 9378 13/04/2021 18:11 AMREST HOLDINGS, SE Other relevant information AmRest Group appoints new CEO Register number: 8625 12/04/2021 16:36 AMREST HOLDINGS, SE Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting Notice and proposed resolutions - Annual General Meeting of AmRest 2021 Register number: 8535 25/02/2021 20:20 AMREST HOLDINGS, SE Annual corporate governance report La sociedad remite el Informe Anual de Gobierno Corporativo del ejercicio 2020 Register number: 7445 Page 13 out of 15 «...1112131415»