GLOBAL DOMINION ACCESS, S.A. «12345...» Page 5 out of 30 26/10/2023 07:27 GLOBAL DOMINION ACCESS, S.A. On business and financial situation Global Dominion Access reports its interim financial information corresponding to the third quarter 2023 Register number: 25033 17/10/2023 07:17 GLOBAL DOMINION ACCESS, S.A. Other relevant information Global Dominion Access discloses the release date of nine months 2023 results and the corresponding conference call Register number: 24901 07/08/2023 08:14 GLOBAL DOMINION ACCESS, S.A. Total number of voting rights and capital Global Dominion Access reports the new share capital after the share capital decrease through the redemption of treasury stock Register number: 24084 07/08/2023 08:11 GLOBAL DOMINION ACCESS, S.A. Other relevant information - Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes Global Dominion Access reports the registration of a decrease of its share capital through the redemption of the treasury stock acquired under the share buy-back programme. Register number: 24083 20/07/2023 18:14 GLOBAL DOMINION ACCESS, S.A. On business and financial situation Global Dominion Access shares press release on the midterm 2023 results Register number: 23692 20/07/2023 18:11 GLOBAL DOMINION ACCESS, S.A. On business and financial situation Global Dominion Access releases presentation on midterm 2023 results Register number: 23691 20/07/2023 18:09 GLOBAL DOMINION ACCESS, S.A. Half-yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited audit review La sociedad remite información financiera del primer semestre de 2023 Register number: 23689 10/07/2023 07:08 GLOBAL DOMINION ACCESS, S.A. Other relevant information Global Dominion Access discloses the release date of its first semester 2023 results and the corresponding conference call Register number: 23481 21/06/2023 18:41 GLOBAL DOMINION ACCESS, S.A. Other relevant information Global Dominion Access reports the payment of a dividend on July 5, 2023 Register number: 23191 19/06/2023 18:40 GLOBAL DOMINION ACCESS, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes Global Dominion Access reports the transactions carried out under its share buy-back programme between 12 and 15 June 2023 and the finalisation of the share buy-back programme Register number: 23136 Page 5 out of 30 «12345...»