ACCIONA, S.A. «...1112131415» Page 11 out of 15 07/06/2021 11:56 ACCIONA, S.A. Initial public offerings and public offerings Acciona reports today's approval and registration, by the CNMV, of the Registration Document of Corporación Acciona Energías Renovables, S.A. Register number: 9869 27/05/2021 17:54 ACCIONA, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting ACCIONA reports the call of the Annual Shareholders Meeting along with the proposed resolutions Register number: 9682 Notification modified by communication number 9679 dated 27/05/2021 (17:37) 27/05/2021 17:37 ACCIONA, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting ACCIONA reports the call of the Annual Shareholders Meeting along with the proposed resolutions Register number: 9679 Notification modified by communication number 9682 dated 27/05/2021 (17:54) 26/05/2021 18:25 ACCIONA, S.A. Other relevant information Acciona reports the subscription of two syndicated loan agreements by Acciona Financiación Filiales, S.A.U. and Acciona Energía Financiación Filiales, S.A.U. Register number: 9617 06/05/2021 22:55 ACCIONA, S.A. Other relevant information Acciona publishes result presentation of Q1 2021 report. Register number: 9277 06/05/2021 18:18 ACCIONA, S.A. On business and financial situation Acciona publishes in Spanish and English, Q1 2021 report. Register number: 9270 29/04/2021 15:27 ACCIONA, S.A. Other relevant information Acciona informs about the date of the "Acciona Energía Capital Markets Day" event. Register number: 9028 19/04/2021 18:13 ACCIONA, S.A. Liquidity and counterparty agreements Acciona remite detalle de las operaciones del Contrato de Liquidez comprendidas entre el 18 de enero de 2021 y el 16 de abril de 2021. Register number: 8721 12/04/2021 19:58 ACCIONA, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting Acciona reports the resolution and voting results approved in the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting held today Register number: 8544 16/03/2021 19:57 ACCIONA, S.A. Other relevant information La Sociedad remite nota de prensa relativa al acuerdo alcanzado con Korea Zinc, Co Register number: 8001 Page 11 out of 15 «...1112131415»