EBRO FOODS, S.A. «...678910...» Page 10 out of 13 25/02/2021 13:35 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Other relevant information Ebro Foods, S.A. publishes the presentation announced this morning, relating to the results of Ebro Foods Group for 2020. Register number: 7381 25/02/2021 13:31 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Half-yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited audit review La sociedad remite información financiera del segundo semestre de 2020 Register number: 7380 25/02/2021 08:55 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Other relevant information Ebro Foods, S.A. announces presentation relating to the results of Ebro Foods Group for 2020. Register number: 7359 18/02/2021 16:17 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Board of Directors Regulations La sociedad remite el reglamento del Consejo de Administración Register number: 7161 30/01/2021 10:02 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Other relevant information - On corporate transactions Ebro Foods, S.A. announces the execution of the sale of dry pasta business in Canada Register number: 6861 16/12/2020 16:41 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Other relevant information - On corporate governance Ebro Foods, S.A. announces the current composition of the Committees Register number: 6239 16/12/2020 13:16 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting Ebro Foods, S.A. announces the resolutions adopted at the Extraordinary General Meeting today. Register number: 6234 11/12/2020 22:07 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Other relevant information - On corporate governance Ebro Foods, S.A. announces the execution of the sale of dry pasta assets in USA Register number: 6179 01/12/2020 11:20 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Other relevant information Ebro Foods, S.A. announces the settlement of the Equity Remuneration Scheme 2020. Register number: 5976 26/11/2020 13:08 EBRO FOODS, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting Ebro Foods, S.A. publishes the notice of call to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and the proposed resolutions approved by the Board of Directors. Register number: 5886 Page 10 out of 13 «...678910...»