OPDENERGY HOLDING, S.A. «...678» Page 8 out of 8 22/07/2022 08:39 OPDENERGY HOLDING, S.A. Home Member State Communication of the Member State of origin as a consequence of the first admission to trading of the company's shares Register number: 17487 21/07/2022 23:03 OPDENERGY HOLDING, S.A. Initial public offerings and public offerings Granting and registration of the public deeds of the share capital increases Register number: 17477 19/07/2022 17:16 OPDENERGY HOLDING, S.A. Initial public offerings and public offerings - On business and financial situation The Company has made on the date hereof a first drawdown for an initial aggregate nominal amount of c. €143.7m in senior notes in accordance with the terms and conditions under the new €250m arrangement facility granted to Opdenergy on July 8, 2022 Register number: 17437 05/05/2021 08:46 OPDENERGY HOLDING, S.A. Initial public offerings and public offerings The company and the selling shareholders,following consultation with the global coordinators of the offering,have decided to postpone the offering and,consequently,the admission to listing on the Spanish Stock Exchanges Register number: 9165 29/04/2021 14:00 OPDENERGY HOLDING, S.A. Initial public offerings and public offerings - On business and financial situation Final approval by the board of directors of an European utility for the signing with the Opdenergy Group of several new power purchase agreements (PPAs) for a total of 362 MW. Register number: 9014 Page 8 out of 8 «...678»