PHARMA MAR, S.A. «12345...» Page 4 out of 24 30/07/2024 17:39 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Half-yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited audit review La sociedad remite información financiera del primer semestre de 2024 Register number: 30031 29/07/2024 17:36 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company reports the transactions performed in the context of the Share Buy-back Program between 22 July and 26 July 2024. Register number: 29960 22/07/2024 17:37 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company reports the transactions performed in the context of the Share Buy-back Program between 15 July and 19 July 2024. Register number: 29784 15/07/2024 17:39 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company reports the transactions performed in the context of the Share Buy-back Program between 8 July and 12 July 2024. Register number: 29701 08/07/2024 17:37 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company reports the transactions performed in the context of the Share Buy-back Program between 1 July and 5 July 2024. Register number: 29571 08/07/2024 10:33 PHARMA MAR, S.A. On business and financial situation The European Commission revokes the decision by which it initially refused to allow Pharma Mar to market Aplidin for multiple myeloma because of a conflict of interest. Register number: 29559 03/07/2024 17:59 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Liquidity and counterparty agreements The Company reports details of the operations of the Liquidity Agreement between 01/04/2024 and 30/06/2024 Register number: 29516 01/07/2024 17:35 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company reports the transactions performed in the context of the Share Buy-back Program between 24 June and 28 June 2024. Register number: 29467 24/06/2024 17:37 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company reports the transactions performed in the context of the Share Buy-back Program between 17 June and 21 June 2024. Register number: 29287 17/06/2024 17:45 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company reports the transactions performed in the context of the Share Buy-back Program between 10 June and 14 June 2024. Register number: 29175 Page 4 out of 24 «12345...»