To access the CNMV search and tax payment service, you must have a User Name and Password for the CIFRADOC/CNMV service of the CNMV Virtual Office / Off-line Register 
To access the search and payment service for fees levied by the CNMV, you must enter your User Name and Password in the CNMV Virtual Office / Off-line Register
on the CNMV website. To obtain a user name and password, send in the duly completed certificate application form to the fax number shown on the form.
To be able to pay a self-assessed fee for the issuing of a certificate, you must enter the User Name AUTOTASA and password 123456 in the CNMV Virtual Office / Off-line Register
on the CNMV website.
The CNMV website will display the fees levied in the last 6 months for each taxable person, regardless of whether they have been paid or not. Example of the information displayed in asnwer to a query:
To pay fees levied by the CNMV, you may choose either to pay electronically, for which there are certains requiriments, or to pay in the office of the bank entity, either in cash or by direct debit in your bank account.