The CNMV and the Bank of Spain are working with the aim of helping improve the financial education of citizens, providing them with the tools, knowledge and skills to adopt appropriate, informed financial decisions throughout their life.

On 19 May 2008, both institutions signed a Collaboration Agreement for the development of a Financial Education Plan at national level. The most visible part of the Plan is the website A reference portal at national level for all citizens in the field of financial education. This website offers practical information and the necessary tools to train persons of all education levels, irrespective of their financial literacy.

You may consult the documents containing the basic lines of action and the actions carried out under the Plan, which are defined for the following stages:

The Plan follows OECD recommendations and High-Level Principles on national strategies for financial education defined by the OECD/INFE (International Network for financial Education) openly endorsed by G20 leaders at the Los Cabos (Mexico) Summit in June 2012.

In the context of the Financial Education Plan, a Survey of Financial Competences (ECF) has been conducted to measure the financial literacy of the Spanish population aged between 18 and 79. This survey is included in the National Statistics Plan and contains relevant components that offer an in-depth description of financial literacy of the adult population in Spain and of their relationship with the financial system.