This paragraph corresponds to the CNMV strategy to promote women’s representation on corporate boards and on the key executive pipeline of the listed companies.

The data hereby disclosed were obtained from the annual reports on corporate governance published by issuers with securities admitted to trading on a regulated market and include information about board members and key executives.

For these purposes key executives are those who directly report to the board or the CEO and, in any case, the internal auditor.

Women Presence in the Board of Directors and key executive positions in listed entities
PeriodExcelDocumentsPress Release

Castellano 2023 Ingles 2023

Castellano 2023 Ingles 2023

La presencia de mujeres en los consejos del Ibex 35 alcanza por primera vez el 40% en 2023 The presence of women on boards of Ibex companies reaches 40% for the first time in 2023


Castellano 2022 Ingles 2022

Castellano 2022 Ingles 2022

La presencia de mujeres en los consejos de administración de empresas cotizadas continúa creciendo en 2022, hasta el 32% del total y se acerca al 40% en el Ibex The presence of women on boards of directors of listed companies continues to increase in 2022, up to 32% of the total and close to 40% in Ibex companies


Castellano 2021 Ingles 2021

Castellano 2021 Ingles 2021

La presencia de mujeres en los consejos de administración de empresas cotizadas sube más de tres puntos en 2021, hasta el 29,26% del total, y se acerca al 35% en el Ibex The presence of women on boards of directors of listed companies increased by more than three percentage points in 2021, to 29.26% of the total, and is close to 35% in Ibex companies


Castellano 2020 Ingles 2020

Castellano 2020 Ingles 2020

La presencia de mujeres en los consejos de administración sube casi tres puntos en 2020, hasta el 26,10 % The presence of women on boards of directors increased by almost three percentage points in 2020, to 26,10 percent


Castellano 2019 Ingles 2019

Castellano 2019 Ingles 2019


Castellano 2018 Ingles 2018

Castellano 2018 Ingles 2018


Castellano 2017 Ingles 2017

Castellano 2017 Ingles 2017